Hillsborough Co.
Temple Terrace
Ros, Jane A.  b. 1915, d. 2008
Holmes Co.
Nichols, Carlos Clyde  b. 1909, d. 1997
Whisenhunt, Gladys  b. 1913, d. 1966
Creech, Ervin B. Jr.  b. 1928, d. 1931
Indian River Co.
Sims, Margaret Jean  b. 1932, d. 2001
Whisnant, Charles Cameron  b. 1928, d. 1993
Vero Beach
Hyatt, Velma Frances  b. 1924, d. 2012
Jackson Co.
Cook, Frances Eudora  b. 1869, d. 1957
Whisnant, James Jackson  b. 1849, d. 1931
Cook, Frances Eudora  b. 1869, d. 1957
Bascom Baptist Cem.
Cook, Frances Eudora  b. 1869, d. 1957
Whisnant, James Jackson  b. 1849, d. 1931
Nichols, Carlos Clyde  b. 1909, d. 1997
Whisenhunt, Gladys  b. 1913, d. 1966
Collins, Zeuline  b. 1894, d. 1987
Gibson, Mary Frances  b. 1890, d. 1956
Whisnant, Baker  b. 1888, d. 1971
Whisnant, Frank  b. 1882, d. 1965
Whisnant, James Jackson  b. 1849, d. 1931
Whisnant, Major Jackson  b. 1922, d. 2000
Whisnant, Major Jones  b. 1889, d. 1942
Whisnant, Mary Francis  b. 1914, d. 1991
Cook, Frances Eudora  b. 1869, d. 1957
Whisnant, James Jackson  b. 1849, d. 1931
Jefferson Co.
Easters, Giles  b. circa 1775, d. circa 1850
Lake Co.
Denby, Allen David  b. 1916, d. 1974
Pelot, Joseph H.  b. 1924, d. 2006
Whisenant, James Blaine  b. 1954, d. 1993
Whisenant, William Christopher  b. 1979, d. 1979
Whisnant, Adrian Thorne  b. 1931, d. 1992
Whisnant, Ethel Elaine  b. 1918, d. 1977
Whisnant, Diana H.  b. 1948, d. 2001
Whisnant, Johnie Ray  b. 1925, d. 1956
Hallyburton, William Bristol  b. 1915, d. 2014
Whisenant, John Christopher  b. 1971, d. 2012
Hillcrest Memorial Gardens Cem.
Whisenant, John Christopher  b. 1971, d. 2012
Whisenant, Carl Mancel  b. 1924, d. 2005
Mt. Dora
Perry, Lois Rebecca  b. 1932, d. 2015
Whisenant, Carl Mancel  b. 1924, d. 2005
Sorrento Cem.
Whisenant, James Blaine  b. 1954, d. 1993
Whisenant, William Christopher  b. 1979, d. 1979
Lee Co.
Davis, Laura A.  b. 1890, d. 1984
Elvey, Clarkson
Whisenant, Brady Allon  b. 1901, d. 1965
Whisnand, Florence Evelyn  b. 1915, d. 2002
Whisnant, Baker  b. 1888, d. 1971
Whisnant, Frank  b. 1882, d. 1965
Whisnant, Mary Francis  b. 1914, d. 1991
Whisnant, Robert Lee  b. 1921, d. 1991
Fort Myers
Gibson, Mary Frances  b. 1890, d. 1956
Lee, Pearl  b. 1912, d. 2005
Whisenant, George Walter  b. 1919, d. 2004
Whisnant, Baker  b. 1888, d. 1971
Whisnant, Mary Francis  b. 1914, d. 1991
Memorial Gardens Cem.
Whisnant, Frank  b. 1882, d. 1965
Fort Myers Cem.
Whisenant, Brady Allon  b. 1901, d. 1965
Whisnant, Elvey  b. 1944, d. 1944
Leon Co.
Boney, Furman Austin  b. 1928, d. 1966
Shelby, Montine B.  b. 1914, d. 1992
Whisenant, William Arthur  b. 1920, d. 1989
[unknown], Mary L.  b. 1909, d. 1978
Whisenant, Jacob Caldwell Jr.  b. 1910, d. 1996
Whisnant, John Charles  b. 1946, d. 2003
Worley, Alexander Clarence  b. 1895, d. 1980
Roselawn Cem.
Shelby, Montine B.  b. 1914, d. 1992
Whisenant, Jacob Caldwell Jr.  b. 1910, d. 1996
Levy Co.
Madison Co.
Easters, George  b. 1790
Whisenant, Mattie B.  b. 1889, d. 1966
Oak Ridge Cem.
Whisenant, Mattie B.  b. 1889, d. 1966
Manatee Co.
Enrequez, Celia Eduarda  b. 1874, d. 1959
Johnson, Emma Grace  b. 1897, d. 1994
Massengill, Otis S.  b. 1894, d. 1979
Tyler, Emma Pearl  b. 1907, d. 1982
Whisenant, Judy Jane  b. 1952, d. 1995
Whisenant, Peter Forney  b. 1870, d. 1932
Whisenant, Robert Billingsley  b. 1903, d. 1978
Amparo, Amparo Whisenant  b. 1922, d. 1990
Reel, James Henderson  b. 1910, d. 1980
Smith, Joseph Wesley  b. 1881, d. before 1940
Smith, Joseph Wesley Jr.  b. 1912, d. 1994
Smith, Norman C.  b. 1924, d. 2013
Smith, Paul Barton  b. 1915, d. 1987
Whisnant, Isaac Edward  b. 1920, d. 2008
Whisnant, Isaac Elcana  b. 1893, d. 1974
Whisnant, Pauline Gale  b. 1885, d. 1958
Whisnant, Sarah Evelyn  b. 1924, d. 2008
Fogartyville Cem.
Johnson, Emma Grace  b. 1897, d. 1994
Whisnant, Isaac Edward  b. 1920, d. 2008
Whisnant, Isaac Elcana  b. 1893, d. 1974
Tyler, Emma Pearl  b. 1907, d. 1982
Whisenant, Carman Maria  b. 1907, d. 1994
Whisenant, Robert Billingsley  b. 1903, d. 1978
Wiggins, Kermit Albert  b. 1908, d. 1994
Mansion Mem. Pk. Cem.
Tyler, Emma Pearl  b. 1907, d. 1982
Whisenant, Carman Maria  b. 1907, d. 1994
Whisenant, Robert Billingsley  b. 1903, d. 1978
Garden of Memory C. E. P. Cem.
Amparo, Amparo Whisenant  b. 1922, d. 1990
Enrequez, Celia Eduarda  b. 1874, d. 1959
Glayre, Henry W.  b. 1899, d. 1988
Tyler, Emma Pearl  b. 1907, d. 1982
Whisenant, Elvira Monica  b. 1904, d. 1991
Whisenant, Mary Louise  b. 1913
Whisenant, Peter Forney  b. 1870, d. 1932
Whisenant, Robert Billingsley  b. 1903, d. 1978
Whisnand, Lacy B.  b. 1894, d. 1995
Whisnant, Isaac Edward  b. 1920, d. 2008
Marion Co.
Baker, Cordelia Annie  b. 1888, d. 1967
Enrequez, Avelina Josephine  b. circa 1878, d. 1934
Pelot, James Edgar  b. 1881, d. 1952
Pelot, John Franklin  b. 1920, d. 2004
Sides, Jeannie Katherine  b. 1898, d. 1984
Whisenant, Ann Cordelia  d. 1967
Whisenant, William Butler  b. 1889, d. 1953
Whisenhunt, William Monroe  b. 1935, d. 1999
Whisnant, Margaret Wallace  b. 1896, d. 1965
Cauthen, Mary Lois  b. 1869, d. 1910
Pelot, Eugene Paul  b. circa 1922, d. 1944
Pelot, James Edgar  b. 1881, d. 1952
Pelot, James Edgar Jr.  b. 1917, d. 1992
Pelot, John Franklin  b. 1920, d. 2004
Pelot, Joseph H.  b. 1924, d. 2006
Whisenant, John David  b. circa 1867, d. 1941
Whisenant, Joseph L.  b. circa 1865, d. 1925
Whisenant, Mary E.  b. circa 1873
Whisnant, Eunice L. P.  b. 1907, d. 1985
Whisnant, Margaret Wallace  b. 1896, d. 1965
Whisnant, William Hill  b. 1898
Belleview Cem.
Cauthen, Mary Lois  b. 1869, d. 1910
Pelot, James Edgar  b. 1881, d. 1952
Pelot, John Franklin  b. 1920, d. 2004
Whisnant, Margaret Wallace  b. 1896, d. 1965
Whisenant, John David  b. circa 1867, d. 1941
Whisenant, Mary E.  b. circa 1873
Cauthen, Mary Lois  b. 1869, d. 1910
Whisenant, Ivey Charles Edward  b. 1889, d. 1980
Whisenant, Joseph L.  b. circa 1865, d. 1925
Whisenant, Susan  b. 1891
Whisnant, Margaret Wallace  b. 1896, d. 1965
Whisnant, William Hill  b. 1898
Baker, Cordelia Annie  b. 1888, d. 1967
Cauthen, Mary Lois  b. 1869, d. 1910
Enrequez, Avelina Josephine  b. circa 1878, d. 1934
MacGillivray, Ken  b. 1916, d. 1995
Podaras, Leon Arthur  b. 1926, d. 2006
Podaras, Stephen Arthar  b. circa 1898, d. 1950
Podaras, William N.  b. 1928, d. 2005
Whisenant, Anna Avelina  b. 1913, d. 2003
Whisenant, George Anthony  b. 1915, d. 2002
Whisenant, Gouley Marie  b. 1927, d. 2001
Whisenant, Jacob Caldwell  b. 1873, d. 1941
Whisenant, Jacob Caldwell Jr.  b. 1910, d. 1996
Whisenant, Jeff Howard  b. 1954, d. 2010
Whisenant, Joseph L.  b. circa 1865, d. 1925
Whisenant, Richard Sistrunk  b. 1917, d. 1961
Whisenant, Ruth  b. 1914, d. 2003
Whisenant, Virginia Lee  b. 1916, d. 1943
Whisenant, William Butler  b. 1889, d. 1953
Whisenant, William Watula  b. 1919, d. 2005
Whisenhunt, William Monroe  b. 1935, d. 1999
Whisennant, William L.  b. 1927, d. 1993
Whisnant, Bessie Lee  b. 1903, d. 1998
Greenwood Cem.
Enrequez, Avelina Josephine  b. circa 1878, d. 1934
Whisenant, Jacob Caldwell  b. 1873, d. 1941
Whisenant, Richard Sistrunk  b. 1917, d. 1961
Highland Memorial Park Cem.
Baker, Cordelia Annie  b. 1888, d. 1967
Beckman, Roy William  b. 1909, d. 2004
Whisenant, William Butler  b. 1889, d. 1953
Whisenant, William Watula  b. 1919, d. 2005
Martin Co.
Schwarz, Mary F.  b. 1929, d. 2007
Miami-Dade Co.
Dunger, Catherine Dougher  b. 1940, d. 2004
Whisnant, Robert Elijah Jr.  b. 1923, d. 2007
Monroe Co.
Holmes, Karen Sue  b. 1949, d. 1999
Whisenant, Carl  b. 1910, d. 1988
Whisenant, David Barnwell  b. 1949, d. 2013
Nassau Co.
Whisnant, Frank  b. 1882, d. 1965
Okaloosa Co.
Dossett, Donita Darlene  b. 1954, d. 1975
Okeechobee Co.
Pitts, Ida Elnora  b. 1911, d. 1981
Orange Co.
Easters, Gwendolyn Doris  b. 1936, d. 1996
Easters, John Luther  b. 1933, d. 2004
Easters, Leonard  b. 1903, d. 1974
Hamilton, Cora Odessa  b. 1909, d. 1984
Heller, Burneal William  b. 1929, d. 1985
Hunt, Larry Allen  b. 1945, d. 1979
Pearce, Edith Frances  b. 1932, d. 1988
Perry, Lois Rebecca  b. 1932, d. 2015
Tombow, Karen Ann  b. 1964, d. 2009
Whisenant, Christopher Allen  b. 1969, d. 1998
Whisenant, James Keith  b. 1962, d. 1993
Whisenant, Myranda D.  b. 1981, d. 2013
Whisnant, Adrian Thorne  b. 1931, d. 1992
Whisenant, Emma Lucille  b. 1928, d. 2013
Grier, Betty Carolyn  b. 1930, d. 2011
Whisonant, Warren Henry III  b. 1927, d. 2008
Benfield, Jenny Margaret  b. 1925, d. 1998
Bowen, Ruby M.  b. 1901, d. 1935
Robinson, Robert William  b. 1921, d. 1966
Whisenant, Effie B.  b. 1893, d. 1972
Whisenant, John Alvin  b. 1924, d. 1976
Whisenant, Willie Ola  b. circa 1901
Whisenhunt, James Allen  b. 1957, d. 2003
Whisenhunt, Truman Desmond  b. 1932, d. 2006
Whisnant, Polly Ann  b. 1921, d. 1974
Winter Park
Whisenant, James Keith  b. 1962, d. 1993
Osceola Co.
Whisonant, James W.  b. 1909, d. 1988
Rose Hill Cem.
Easters, John Luther  b. 1933, d. 2004
Easters, Leonard  b. 1903, d. 1974
Hamilton, Cora Odessa  b. 1909, d. 1984
St. Cloud
Whisenhunt, Truman Desmond  b. 1932, d. 2006
Palm Beach Co.
Darville, Artimeo Maza  b. 1924, d. 1995
Roach, Dessa Emaline  b. 1903, d. 1986
Weinfeld, Emanuel  b. 1893, d. 1972
Whisenant, Edward Franklin  b. 1927, d. 1990
Whisenant, Herbert Franklin  b. 1923, d. 1973
Whisenant, John Christopher  b. 1971, d. 2012
Whisnant, Albert Miller Jr.  b. 1906, d. 1987
Whisnant, Eunice L. P.  b. 1907, d. 1985
Boca Raton
Sumpter, Bertie Ann  b. 1904, d. 2003
Whisnant, Robert Elijah Jr.  b. 1923, d. 2007
Boca Raton Mausoleum
Whisnant, Robert Elijah Jr.  b. 1923, d. 2007
North Palm Beach
O'Leary, Phillis May  b. 1916, d. 1983
Palm Springs
Lake Worth Memory Gardens
Williams, Lydia Frances  b. 1926, d. 2010
West Palm Beach
Brackett, Marianne  b. 1933, d. 2009
Robinson, Nora  b. 1889, d. 1982
Smith, Norman C.  b. 1924, d. 2013
Whisenhunt, Clarence H.  b. 1921, d. 1995
Whisenhunt, David Milton  b. 1894, d. 1976
Whisenhunt, Guin Albert  b. 1923, d. 1988
Whisenhunt, Patricia Susan  b. 1952, d. 2008
Whisnant, Pauline Gale  b. 1885, d. 1958
Williams, Lydia Frances  b. 1926, d. 2010
Palmetto Co.
Palmetto Cem.
Enrequez, Celia Eduarda  b. 1874, d. 1959
Glayre, Henry W.  b. 1899, d. 1988
Whisenant, Elvira Monica  b. 1904, d. 1991
Whisenant, Peter Forney  b. 1870, d. 1932
Pasco Co.
Easters, George William  b. 1907, d. 1982
Easters, Sarah Jane  b. 1912, d. 2003
Hickey, Gena Rebecca  b. before 1968
Rhoden, James Chester  b. 1935, d. 1982
Rhoden, Jimmy Lavern  b. 1947, d. 1993
Whisnant, Jack Ernest  b. 1909, d. 1982
Whisnant, Norma P.  b. 1923, d. 1971
Dade City
Easters, Sarah Jane  b. 1912, d. 2003
Jarvis, Lettie Maude  b. 1916, d. 2005
Whisnant, Linda Sue  b. 1951, d. 1952
Chapel Hill Gardens Cem.
Turner, Billy Claud  b. 1938, d. 2007
Mount Zion Cem.
Whisnant, Gregory Allan  b. 1965, d. 1988
Whisnant, Jack Ernest  b. 1909, d. 1982
Whisnant, Linda Sue  b. 1951, d. 1952
Pinellas Co.
Duncan, Lillian  b. 1905, d. 2000
Whisenand, Kenneth Wayne  b. 1937, d. 1995
Whisenant, George Anthony  b. 1915, d. 2002
Whisenant, Gorden Revel  b. 1907, d. 1974
Whisenant, Jacob Caldwell  b. 1873, d. 1941
Whisenant, Richard Sistrunk  b. 1917, d. 1961
Whisennant, Paul Legree  b. 1933, d. 1984
Whisnant, George Everett  b. 1895, d. 1982
Whisnant, Tracey Lynn  b. 1983, d. 1995
Bay Pines
Bay Pines National Cem.
Heller, Burneal William  b. 1929, d. 1985
Serenity Gardens Memorial Park
Whisenand, Kenneth Wayne  b. 1937, d. 1995
Palm Harbor
Whisenant, Ruth  b. 1914, d. 2003
Garden Sanctuary Cem.
Whisennant, Paul Legree  b. 1933, d. 1984
St. Petersburg
Whisnant, Walter J.  b. 1901, d. 1996
Polk Co.
Nichols, Carlos Clyde  b. 1909, d. 1997
Robinson, Nora  b. 1889, d. 1982
Whisenant, Frank Macon  b. 1872, d. 1940
Whisnant, infant  b. circa 1940, d. 1940
Lake Hamilton
Farr, Julie Ann  b. 1874, d. 1960
Whisenand, Anetta  b. 1901, d. 1956
Whisenand, Elizabeth P.  b. 1910, d. 1999
Whisenand, William Michael  b. 1870, d. 1946
[unknown], Mamie  b. 1871
Robinson, Nora  b. 1889, d. 1982
Whisenant, Beranton  b. circa 1907
Whisenant, Christine  b. 1881
Whisenant, Clarence  b. 1888
Whisenant, David  b. 1886
Whisenant, Edward Franklin  b. 1927, d. 1990
Whisenant, Frank Macon  b. 1872, d. 1940
Whisenant, Herbert Franklin  b. 1923, d. 1973
Whisenant, Julius  b. 1891
[unknown], Mamie  b. 1871
Tiger Flowers Cem.
Whisenant, Herbert Franklin  b. 1923, d. 1973
Whisnant, Frank  b. 1882, d. 1965
Putnam Co.
Triest, Laura Ann  b. 1950, d. 2010
Whisenant, Charles Ronald  b. 1947, d. 2009
Pomona Park
Whisenant, Kenneth Eulis  b. 1943, d. 2013
Santa Rosa Co.
Enfinger, Virginia Estelle  b. circa 1923
Whisenhant, George Lyda  b. 1912, d. 1993
Whisenhant, Judy Marlene  b. 1956, d. 2008
Whisenant, James Doyle  b. 1925, d. 2003
Sarasota Co.
Glayre, Henry W.  b. 1899, d. 1988
Pelot, Eugene Paul  b. circa 1922, d. 1944
Whisenant, Elvira Monica  b. 1904, d. 1991
North Port
[unknown], Violetta Louise  b. 1922, d. 2003
Whisenant, George Walter  b. 1919, d. 2004
[unknown], Violetta Louise  b. 1922, d. 2003
Pennel, Mary Ellen  b. 1930, d. 1974
Whisenant, Carman Maria  b. 1907, d. 1994
Wiggins, Kermit Albert  b. 1908, d. 1994
Sarasota Memorial Park Cem.
Pennel, Mary Ellen  b. 1930, d. 1974
Whisonant, Edward Earl  b. 1931, d. 1995
Seminole Co.
Altamonte Springs
Grier, Betty Carolyn  b. 1930, d. 2011
Forest City
Highland Memory Gardens
Pearce, Edith Frances  b. 1932, d. 1988
Payola C. of C. Cem.
Whisenant, Ida Luvada  b. 1893, d. 1967
St. Johns Co.
Saint Augustine
Evergreen Cem.
Whisenant, Harold Thompson  b. 1930, d. 1978
St. Augustine
Bivins, Sarah Colleen  b. 1931, d. 2007
St. Lucie Co.
Ehrhart, Esther D.  b. 1897, d. 1987
Stark, Wesley Bermont  b. 1911, d. 1986
Whisenant, Ivey Charles Edward  b. 1889, d. 1980
Whisenant, Jeanette  b. 1922, d. 1972
Whisnant, Dewitt Talmage  b. 1899, d. 1965
Fort Pierce
Ehrhart, Esther D.  b. 1897, d. 1987
Whisenant, Beadie Beatrice  b. 1918, d. 2012
Whisenant, Ivey Charles Edward  b. 1889, d. 1980
Whisenant, Jeanette  b. 1922, d. 1972
Sumter Co.
Beckman, Roy William  b. 1909, d. 2004
Whisenant, William Watula  b. 1919, d. 2005
Florida National Cem.
Whisenant, Elmo Ray  b. 1923, d. 2000
Whisenant, George Anthony  b. 1915, d. 2002
Whisenant, Marion H.  b. 1924, d. 1998
Suwannee Co.
Lucas, Elizabeth Josephine  b. 1957, d. 2006
Whisnant, Randall Wayne  b. 1954, d. 2014
Live Oak
Lucas, Elizabeth Josephine  b. 1957, d. 2006
Whisenhunt, Arnold  b. 1914, d. 1985
Whisnant, Randall Wayne  b. 1954, d. 2014
Live Oak Cem.
Lucas, Elizabeth Josephine  b. 1957, d. 2006
Philadelphia Bapt. Ch. Cem.
Russell, Thelma Bates  b. 1916, d. 1999
Whisenhunt, Arnold  b. 1914, d. 1985
Volusia Co.
Clements, Mary Joann  b. 1925, d. 2005
Owens, John Raleigh  b. 1879, d. 1945
Owens, Oliny Otis  b. 1920, d. 1994
Russell, Louise F.  b. 1924, d. 2004
Whisenhunt, Margaret Elizabeth  b. 1880, d. 1964
Whisenhunt, Mattie Jeannie  b. 1935, d. 1987
Whisnant, Ruth Elizabeth  b. 1909, d. 1994
Whisnant, Fred Thomas  b. 1959, d. 2005
Daytona Beach
Whisnant, Fred Thomas  b. 1959, d. 2005
Whisnant, Robert A.  b. 1966, d. 2002
Daytona Memorial Pk. Cem.
Whisenhunt, Kelsie Benjamin  b. 1910, d. 1998
Evergreen Cem.
Whisnant, Fred Thomas  b. 1959, d. 2005
Holly Hill
Owens, Carron Virginia  b. 1906, d. 1980
Owens, Oliny Otis  b. 1920, d. 1994
Whisenhunt, Margaret Elizabeth  b. 1880, d. 1964
Ormond Beach
Whisenant, Thomas Lennul  b. 1935, d. 2000
Volusia Memorial Pk. Cem.
Whisenant, Linda Mae  b. 1943, d. 2002
Whisenant, Thomas Lennul  b. 1935, d. 2000
Port Orange
Dull, Barbara Ann  b. 1931, d. 2009
Wakulla Co.
Whisnant, Crystal Marie  b. 1981, d. 1988
Panacea Cem.
Whisenant, William Arthur  b. 1920, d. 1989
[unknown], Mary L.  b. 1909, d. 1978
Walton Co.
Enfinger, Virginia Estelle  b. circa 1923
Whisenhant, George Lyda  b. 1912, d. 1993
Defuniak Springs
Turner, Billy Claud  b. 1938, d. 2007
Whisenhunt, Stephen Bernard Jr.  b. 1984, d. 2011
Turner, Billy Claud  b. 1938, d. 2007
Miramara Beach
Spakes, Donna S.  b. 1948, d. 2011
Washington Co.
Bennett, Dorothy Helen  b. 1924, d. 1992
Kinard, James Martin  b. 1851, d. 1918
Marshall, Ada  b. 1887, d. 1929
Whisenhunt, Matthew Harvey Jr.  b. 1922, d. 1990
Creech, Ervin B. Jr.  b. 1928, d. 1931
Whisenhunt, Benjamin Steve  b. 1880, d. 1953
Whisenhunt, Gladys  b. 1913, d. 1966
Whisenhunt, Marvin  b. 1909, d. 1933
Glenwood Cem.
Bennett, Dorothy Helen  b. 1924, d. 1992
Whisenhunt, Matthew Harvey Jr.  b. 1922, d. 1990
Whisenhunt, Grey E.  b. 1896, d. 1918
Ft. Gulick
Burgess, Gay Lorraine  b. 1934, d. 2010
Whisnant, Arthur Eli  b. 1930, d. 2002
[unknown], Ann  b. 1845
[unknown], Dorothy  b. circa 1890
[unknown], Josie  b. circa 1865
[unknown], Mamie  b. 1871
[unknown], Martha A.  b. 1859
[unknown], Martha M.  b. 1847, d. 1902
[unknown], Missouri L.  b. 1889, d. 1948
[unknown], Nancy  b. circa 1821
[unknown], Ola V.  b. circa 1902
[unknown], Sallie J.  b. circa 1857
[unknown], Sarah  b. circa 1831
[unknown], Sarah M.  b. circa 1836
Adams, Clara Lilly  b. 1887, d. 1977
Adams, Floyd Delona  b. 1872, d. circa 1948
Adams, James Alexander  b. 1879, d. circa 1932
Adams, Vernie  b. circa 1889, d. before 1930
Adams, Young Washington  b. 1891, d. 1961
Akins, Susan Elzora  b. 1883, d. 1970
Alley, Robert H.  b. circa 1860
Allman, Lula Belle  b. 1916, d. 1999
Ayers, Arthur Marshall  b. 1895, d. 1951
Ayers, Lillian E.  b. circa 1897
Ayers, Veva Florence  b. 1899, d. 1971
Ayers, William Judson  b. 1870, d. 1945
Baker, Homer Franklin  b. 1916, d. 1975
Baker, Offie Franklin  b. 1895, d. 1950
Baker, Ruthlyn Opal  b. 1920, d. 2006
Baker, Vernon  b. 1903, d. 1982
Barnes, Lana Susan  b. 1947, d. 2011
Barton, Elizabeth  b. 1848
Barton, Lewis Farrell  b. 1918, d. 1992
Barton, Lloyd Asbury  b. 1896, d. 1963
Bearden, Simeon William  b. 1829, d. 1902
Bell, Cleatos A.  b. 1935, d. 2002
Bell, Flora Gloria  b. circa 1803, d. 1861
Bickley, George Samuel  b. 1844, d. 1920
Black, Malinda  b. 1832, d. 1904
Black, Willie Nelle  b. 1918, d. 2008
Blackstock, Jane  b. circa 1808
Bohannon, Alonzo  b. 1902, d. 1984
Bowen, Dewey Price  b. 1899, d. 1980
Bowen, John Bunyan Jr.  b. 1908, d. 1976
Bowen, John Bunyon  b. 1875, d. 1939
Bowen, Judson P.  b. circa 1904, d. 1950
Bowen, Nellie M.  b. circa 1905
Bowen, Ruby M.  b. 1901, d. 1935
Brackett, Oscar Joshaway  b. 1881, d. 1948
Brackett, Woodrow  b. 1912, d. 1982
Brewer, Remer Cone  b. 1893, d. 1973
Brewer, William M.  b. circa 1915, d. 1975
Brock, Geneiveve  b. circa 1907
Brock, John W.  b. 1872, d. 1914
Brock, Julius Preston  b. 1851, d. 1937
Brock, Walter Owen  b. 1877, d. 1949
Brooks, Ada Louella  b. 1881, d. 1971
Brooks, Amariler  b. 1820
Brooks, Bradford  b. 1810, d. 1886
Brooks, Hamilton  b. 1802, d. between 1860 and 1870
Brooks, J. D.  b. circa 1859
Brooks, Jechoniah W.  b. 1818
Brooks, Jennie  b. 1892
Brooks, Jesse E.  b. 1877
Brooks, John H.  b. 1897, d. 1967
Brooks, Larkin  b. 1805, d. between 1850 and 1860
Brooks, Othenial Husky  b. 1825, d. 1908
Brooks, Phinnath  b. 1812
Brooks, R.  b. circa 1872
Brooks, Sally M. A.  b. 1879, d. 1967
Brooks, Sinderella  b. 1803, d. before 1850
Brooks, William Allen  b. 1874, d. 1957
Brooks, William H.  b. 1814, d. circa 1867
Brown, Clara Pauline  b. 1909, d. 2001
Brown, Garland Edward  b. 1906, d. 1993
Brown, Harold Lee  b. 1914, d. 1973
Brown, J.  b. circa 1847
Brown, Jason Lee  b. 1879, d. 1956
Brown, Jeanette  b. 1936, d. before 2001
Brown, Joseph R.  b. 1870, d. 1927
Brown, Lillian Runelle  b. 1923, d. 2000
Brown, Lillie Jane  b. circa 1900
Brown, Mary Bonnie  b. 1897
Brown, Mertie A.  b. 1894
Brown, Telitha Caroline  b. 1844, d. 1903
Brumbelow, Charlie Harrison  b. 1887, d. 1960
Brumbelow, Essie Beatrice  b. 1908
Bryant, George W.  b. circa 1850
Bryant, Selina  b. circa 1846
Bryant, Stephen S.  b. circa 1843
Burk, Caroline  b. 1816, d. 1902
Burk, Eveline Uriah  b. 1826, d. 1905
Burk, Mahala J.  b. 1848
Burk, Virginia C.  b. 1851
Burton, Geneva Avanelle  b. 1922, d. 1993
Burton, William H.  b. 1900, d. 1978
Caldwell, Hubert Walton  b. 1901, d. 1968
Campbell, Eugene Curtis  b. 1918, d. 1978
Campbell, Herley Witchard  b. 1923, d. 1996
Campbell, James Bradford  b. 1892, d. 1965
Campbell, James Coley  b. 1936, d. 1957
Campbell, Jessie F.  b. circa 1939
Cannon, Elaine Earnestine  b. circa 1915, d. 1959
Carden, Margaret Anne  b. 1880, d. 1947
Carver, Catherine  b. circa 1840
Carver, Frances  b. circa 1833
Carver, Franklin  b. circa 1846
Carver, Jacob  b. circa 1837
Carver, John  b. circa 1831
Carver, Joseph  b. circa 1835
Carver, Mary E.  b. circa 1830
Carver, Micajah  b. 1843, d. 1931
Carver, Nancy  b. circa 1838, d. 1919
Cawdle, Jeremiah  b. circa 1816, d. before 1880
Chambers, Beatrice  b. 1923, d. 1993
Chambers, Claude W.  b. 1905, d. 1994
Chambers, Cordie  b. circa 1917, d. 1994
Chambers, Eddie  b. 1911, d. 1985
Chambers, Eulis  b. 1920, d. 1969
Chambers, Guy  b. 1907, d. 1992
Chambers, John Lemuel  b. 1912, d. 1994
Chambers, Julia  b. 1886
Chambers, Leney Maudell  b. 1912, d. 1996
Chambers, Mae  b. 1915, d. 1991
Chambers, Mamie Jannet  b. 1918, d. 1991
Chambers, Martha Louise  b. 1925, d. 1998
Chambers, Mary Catherine  b. 1925, d. 2002
Chambers, Maudie  b. 1891
Chambers, Murdia Perunel  b. 1905, d. 1979
Chambers, Nellie Izene  b. 1909, d. 2006
Chambers, Rindie  b. 1892
Chambers, Roy Eugene  b. 1921, d. 1993
Chambers, Thomas Gilbert  b. 1874, d. 1957
Chambers, William Henry Jr.  b. 1888
Chambers, William Isaac  b. 1902, d. 1962
Chance, Sarah H.  b. circa 1841
Childers, Harriet Elizabeth  b. 1843, d. 1906
Childers, Nancy Caroline  b. 1836, d. 1892
Christopher, Frances  b. 1818, d. 1909
Clark, Christine  b. 1912, d. 1982
Cobb, Laura  b. 1858
Cole, Hershel Ray  b. 1927, d. 1993
Coleman, Nancy C.  b. circa 1834
Collins, Zeuline  b. 1894, d. 1987
Collum, George Willis  b. circa 1844, d. 1912
Cook, Henry J.  b. 1829, d. 1899
Cook, James  b. 1838
Corbin, Nancy Louvenia  b. 1869, d. 1965
Cordell, David Benjamin  b. 1844
Cordell, Epperson Allen  b. 1845, d. 1917
Cordell, Ezekiel Catlett  b. 1841, d. 1916
Cordell, George W.  b. 1848, d. 1921
Cordell, Jemima Elizabeth  b. circa 1843, d. 1907
Cordell, Stephen A.  b. circa 1840
Cotton, Nellie M.  b. circa 1903
Cotton, William Urban  b. 1875
Countryman, John Thomas  b. 1831
Cranmore, Eugene  b. 1916, d. 2000
Cross, Malinda  b. 1820, d. 1885
Cross, Rebecca  b. circa 1845
Crumley, Chapple C.  b. 1846, d. 1907
Crumley, John Calvin  b. 1877, d. 1949
Crumley, Thomas Blanton  b. 1850, d. 1931
Crumley, William Madison  b. 1875, d. 1952
Crump, James Memory  b. 1844, d. 1902
Culverson, Myrtle  b. circa 1914, d. 1944
Davenport, Fred  b. 1888, d. 1963
Davenport, Joseph Brown  b. 1890, d. 1984
Davenport, Lewis Hamilton  b. 1855, d. 1930
Davenport, Lillie  b. 1892, d. 1992
Davidson, Spier Warren  b. circa 1822
Davis, Cicero  b. 1859, d. 1906
Davis, Lectro Victoria  b. circa 1847
Davis, Sarah Elizabeth  b. 1864, d. 1933
Deakles, Lucretia  b. circa 1820
Debord, Rebecca Jane  b. 1869, d. 1901
Denby, Allen David  b. 1916, d. 1974
Denby, Cora Lee  b. 1895
Denby, Hattie L.  b. circa 1909
Denby, Henry  b. circa 1901
Denby, James  b. circa 1903
Denby, May Belle  b. 1898
Denby, Sallie  b. circa 1906
Denby, Wilburn G.  b. 1909, d. 1977
Denby, William E.  b. 1870, d. 1938
Dollar, Lizzie Gertrude  b. 1899, d. 1946
Dotson, David Lee  b. 1929, d. 1964
Dotson, James William  b. 1927, d. 2003
Duckworth, Doshia C.  b. 1888, d. 1971
Duncan, Lillian  b. 1905, d. 2000
Easters, Annie Bell  b. 1901, d. 1987
Easters, Bitty  b. circa 1844
Easters, Edward  b. 1846, d. 1923
Easters, Elizabeth  b. 1821
Easters, Eula L.  b. 1893
Easters, George Washington  b. 1822
Easters, George William  b. 1907, d. 1982
Easters, Hattie Mae  b. 1910, d. 1920
Easters, Henrietta  b. 1845, d. 1913
Easters, Henry Sr.  b. 1820, d. 1896
Easters, Jackson A.  b. 1899, d. 1969
Easters, Jane  b. 1861, d. 1935
Easters, Jane Elizabeth  b. 1841, d. 1924
Easters, John  b. 1840
Easters, John Boyd  b. 1868, d. 1923
Easters, Johnie Edward  b. 1916, d. 1937
Easters, Leonard  b. 1903, d. 1974
Easters, Mack T.  b. 1869, d. before 1908
Easters, Micajah  b. 1843, d. before 1866
Easters, Perry G.  b. circa 1873
Easters, Richard M.  b. 1849, d. 1935
Edwards, F. Bartow  b. 1860, d. 1940
Edwards, George W.  b. 1849
Edwards, James J.  b. 1845, d. 1909
Edwards, Malinda Jane  b. 1847, d. 1918
Edwards, Mary L.  b. 1855
Edwards, Sarah H.  b. 1867, d. 1941
Edwards, Thomas Jefferson  b. 1850, d. 1908
Edwards, William Crawford  b. 1824, d. 1910
Edwards, William Crawford Jr.  b. 1856, d. 1925
Edwards, Wylie  b. 1859
Eller, John H.  b. 1859, d. 1933
Elliott, Cordia  b. 1894, d. 1971
Elliott, George Washington  b. circa 1838, d. circa 1900
Ellis, Elijah M.  b. 1870
Ellis, Frances Marion  b. 1844, d. 1928
Ellis, James Calvin  b. 1867, d. 1959
Ellis, Julianna  b. 1875
Ellis, Ollia D.  b. 1877
Ellis, Russell Anderson  b. 1841, d. 1927
